Network Building
Joan describes making connections in the local community - businesses, faith-based organizations...
Barb describes the social dimensions of The ABLE Network - using cell phones to keep in touch; Best...
The 6 programs are work experience, recreation, transit training, literacy, social networking, and...
Businesses are sometimes surprised to find that the young people with disabilities makes a...
Dayna tells us about her friend Alison. “My friend Alison and I have been friends since the first...
It takes a student with a strong sense of their own identity to be able to be a friend to a student...
This brochure provides some basic information about the Tyze networking service created by PLAN.
This document explains “Circle of Friends” and how to use this tool. (It can also be helpful to young people in deciding how close a friends is. This can help with knowing how to act with that friend.)
(Extracted with permission from the 2009 Inclusion Press booklet, “Planning for Real Life after School”, prepared by the Marsha Forest Centre.)
This document tells you what makes Tyze different from other online networks.