High School

Jean Vanier on Getting Involved

Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, talks with high school students about creating an environment...

More Links for Transition Planning (169.44KB, PDF)

This document provides links to more information on various transition planning resources and organizations.

More on Person-Centered Planning (149.07KB, PDF)

This document provides more resources and information for learning about and using Person-Centered Planning.

National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals (252.87KB, PDF)

This American organization provides some helpful resources for EAs, including discussion of the type of teamwork that should be fundamental between teachers and EAs.

Peer Mentoring Opens Windows of Understanding (257.71KB, PDF)

This is the full text of Meghan Rogers’ story about how a peer mentoring course changed her life.

PlayFair Teams - Program Description (842.62KB, PDF)

This document summarizes PlayFair Teams, breaks down the process, gives testimony from students, and talks about the benefits.

Practising Inclusion in a Leadership Class

In my senior high Leadership class, I include students from Grades 10, 11 and 12. I generally have...

Provincial/Territorial Inclusion Legislation and Policy (133.98KB, PDF)

This document contains some links to provincial and territorial government statements on inclusive education.

Report on Inclusive Education (800.58KB, PDF)

This report by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada highlights the policies and initiatives of the 13 Canadian provinces and territories.

Resolving the Mystery

Encourage chatting in classes: Give a brief explanation of the special ed student’s abilities and...

Resources for Families and Educators on Teaching about Sexuality (136.27KB, PDF)

This document gives you a list of resources that can help you teach young adults with disabilities about sexuality.

Resources on Autism (136.55KB, PDF)

This document provides some resources for young adults on the Autism spectrum, as well as their family members and educators.

Role of Educators in Helping a Circle to Form

Educators and other support people need to be trained to look for the common bonds and reinforce...

Scoping Inclusive Education for Canadian Students with Intellectual and Other Disabilities (469.95KB, PDF)

This report “presents an overview of current issues in the inclusive education of students with intellectual and other disabilities in Canada and implications for advocacy and policy development.”

Published by the Roeher Institute. Researched and written by Cameron Crawford.

Start Early on Inclusion - Break Down Steps

Jonathan’s teacher reflects with his mother and one of his classmate friends on the steps that...

Teachers and Families Need to Connect Transition Planning to Life After School (267.24KB, PDF)

In this document, Dr. Gary Bunch emphasizes the importance of family-educator collaboration onthe transition planning that is often absent for young adults with disabilities.

Teachers Can Foster Inclusion

Lauchie Mackinnon, Jonathan’s teacher, reflects with Jonathan’s mother on the positive and not so...

The Are Word (81.75KB, PDF)

This book by David Hingsburger gives advice and ideas for dealing with bullies for families, educators and young adults with intellectual disabilities. This document provides a brief description and a link to Diverse City Press, where other useful resources can be found.

The Belonging Collection (767.91KB, PDF)

The Belonging Collection is intended to make inclusion work in the school environment. The kit contains both the PlayFair Teams material and the L’Arche DVD, “Choosing Our Future: Jean Vanier in Conversation with Secondary School Students.”

The Classroom as a Community of Belonging

I strongly believe that all children need to understand the power of what it means to “belong” in a...

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