
Scoping Inclusive Education for Canadian Students with Intellectual and Other Disabilities (469.95KB, PDF)

This report “presents an overview of current issues in the inclusive education of students with intellectual and other disabilities in Canada and implications for advocacy and policy development.”

Published by the Roeher Institute. Researched and written by Cameron Crawford.

Social Boundaries in Different Kinds of Relationships (129.82KB, PDF)

This teaching tool is meant to help explain the different social boundaries that come with relationships of varying intimacy.

Teachers Invite Rebecca to Visit their Class

In this photo Rebecca Beayni is out at a dance nightclub with friends. Rebecca does not talk but...

The Are Word (81.75KB, PDF)

This book by David Hingsburger gives advice and ideas for dealing with bullies for families, educators and young adults with intellectual disabilities. This document provides a brief description and a link to Diverse City Press, where other useful resources can be found.

The Belonging Collection (767.91KB, PDF)

The Belonging Collection is intended to make inclusion work in the school environment. The kit contains both the PlayFair Teams material and the L’Arche DVD, “Choosing Our Future: Jean Vanier in Conversation with Secondary School Students.”

Transition Planning Workbook (89.98KB, PDF)

This sample Workbook from Grande Prairie, Alberta has sections with preparation questions for teachers, for family members, and for the young people.

Grande Prairie Public School District #2357

When Students are Trusted

I have put two individuals with an intellectual disability in charge of the “café rencontre.”...

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